EU increases State Aid limits
Jan 11, 2021
The European Commission (yes, them) has confirmed that the UK can now apply the revised temporary State Aid (Covid-19) limit for any relevant available business support grants (Local Restrictions Support Grant, etc.). This increases the available maximum aid that each individual business can receive from €800k to €3 million over a three-year period. This will be effective from 8 December 2020. Aid can be granted to businesses which have suffered a decline in their turnover of at least 30% between March 2020 and end December 2020. If your business has been adversely affected by the lockdowns and you require advice as to which grants may be available to you, please contact us as soon as possible.
Littlewood & Co. Chartered Valuation Surveyors is an independent property consultancy specialising in property taxation (including business rates) and lease advisory aimed primarily at mitigating property costs for businesses and also providing valuation and advice for strategic and regulatory purposes. Please contact Roger Littlewood if you have any commercial property consultancy requirements you would like to discuss.